> Knowledge base> Article: How do I load label stock, adjust the gap sensor, change print cartridges or change a print head (LX

How do I load label stock, adjust the gap sensor, change print cartridges or change a print head (LX900 Videos)?

Article ID: 44548 Print
How do I load label stock, adjust the gap sensor, change print cartridges or change a print head (LX900 Videos)?


 How do I load label stock, adjust the gap sensor, change print cartridges or change a print head (LX900 Videos)?


Load Square or Rectangle Labels
in the LX900 Printer.

Load Clear Labels (Reflective) in the LX900 Printer.

Load Circular Labels in the LX900 Printer.
Changing the Ink Cartridges
Changing a Print Head

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Article Details
Views: 10372 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Jan 12, 2015
