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Rhode Island Electoral System Contribution

Article ID: 60120 Print
Rhode Island Electoral System Contribution



You may designate a contribution of five dollars ($5) or ten dollars ($10) if married and filing a joint return, to the account for the public financing of the electoral system. The first two dollars ($2) or four dollars ($4) if married and filing a joint return, up to a total of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) collectively for all parties and the nonpartisan account, shall be allocated only to political parties which at the preceding general election, nominated a candidate for governor and such candidate polled at least 5 percent of the entire vote cast in the state for governor. The remaining funds shall be allocated for the public financing of campaigns for governor.

An electoral system contribution will NOT increase your tax due or reduce your refund.


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Article Details
Views: 3375 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Jan 07, 2022
Posted in: States, Rhode Island
