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Why do I have an error on my return for my spouse when we are separated?

Article ID: 59799 Print
Why do I have an error on my return for my spouse when we are separated?


If you receive an error that indicates that you have chosen the filing status of Married Filing Joint or Married Filing Separate and your spouse's SSN was not entered correctly, it is because the IRS uses the first four letters of the last name to verify the SSN. The name and SSN must be entered exactly as it appears on their social security card.

How to correct this error: 

From our homepage, click on "sign in" to enter the username and password to access your account.  Select the current year return that is rejected.

Next, select the "My Info" tab,  save and continue to the Spouse Information screen to correct this error. If you have entered your spouse's name and SSN correctly you will need to contact the spouse to check for any recent changes on the SS card. Once you have made your correction you will then save and continue to the end of your return and resubmit. IF your return is not accepted or you are unable to obtain this information, you will have to print and mail to the IRS.

*We strongly recommend checking the status of your return in 24-48 hours using the Login to My Income Tax Return link to verify that your return has been accepted.

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Article Details
Views: 2001 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Nov 11, 2021
Posted in: Rejections
