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Do I Need to File an Amended Tax Return?

Article ID: 59737 Print
Do I need to file Amended Tax Return?


You need to file an amended tax return if you need to make changes to your originally accepted tax return.  

For example, Joe e-filed his federal tax return, and his tax return was accepted by the IRS in early February.  Later on in March, Joe discovered he forgot to report $500 in interest he received from the bank.  Because his tax return was already accepted by the IRS, Joe would need to file an amended return for that change. 

Do not file an amended return because you received a rejection when e-filing your tax return.  When receiving an efile rejection, you need to make corrections then resubmit your tax return for e-file again. 

**If your original return was filed with OLT, filing an amended return is FREE.  If the original return was NOT filed with OLT, there is a fee of $49.95.**


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Article Details
Views: 2563 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Nov 30, 2021
Posted in: FAQ's
