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How can I check the refund of my Wisconsin state tax refund?

Article ID: 59207 Print
How can I check the refund of my Wisconsin state tax refund?


Call: (608) 266‑8100  in Madison, (414) 227‑4907  in Milwaukee, or 1‑866‑WIS‑RFND (1‑866‑947‑7363) toll-free within the U.S. or Canada

Visit our website at: revenue.wi.gov 


If you need to contact us about your refund, please wait at least 12 weeks after filing your Form 1. Refund information may not be available until that time. The department may not issue a refund before March 1 unless both the individual and the individual’s employer have filed all required returns and forms with the department for the taxable year for which the refund was claimed.

You may call one of the numbers listed above or write to:

Mail Stop 5-77

Wisconsin Department of Revenue

PO Box 8949

Madison WI 53708-8949

If you call, you will need your social security number and the dollar amount of your refund.

An automated response is available when you call one of the numbers listed above. If you need to speak with a person, assistance is available Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. by calling (608) 266‑2486 in Madison (long-distance charges, if applicable, will apply).

You may also get information on your refund using our secure website at revenue.wi.gov.

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Article Details
Views: 2939 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Dec 16, 2021
Posted in: States, Wisconsin
