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New Mexico Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State

Article ID: 58797 Print
New Mexico Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State


A resident of New Mexico who must pay tax to another state on income that is also taxable in New Mexico may take a credit against New Mexico tax for tax paid to the other state.

IMPORTANT: This credit is for tax that another state imposes on any part of income that by law is included in New Mexico net income. When calculating the allowable credit, do not include tax withheld. If the specific item of income is not subject to taxation in both states, no credit is available.

The credit may not be more than:

• The New Mexico tax liability due on your PIT-1,

• The tax you paid to the other state.

• The amount of New Mexico income tax liability calculated on the part of income taxed in both states.

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Article Details
Views: 3092 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Jan 06, 2022
Posted in: States, New Mexico
