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California State Children's Trust Fund for the Prevention of Child Abuse

Article ID: 58655 Print
California State Children's Trust Fund for the Prevention of Child Abuse




The State Children’s Trust Fund (SCTF) was established as a separate fund in the state treasury in 1983 for the purpose of child abuse and neglect prevention. The Legislature specified the Office of Child Abuse Prevention as responsible for administering programs and projects with the SCTF’s annual allocation. Welfare and Institutions Code Section 18969 limits administrative costs to no more than five percent of the annual allocation. The SCTF is derived from moneys from state income tax voluntary donations, a percentage of birth certificate fees from state vital statistics, and a portion of specialty license plate revenue.


Visit SCTF Program descriptions and expenditures to learn more about programs supported by the State Children's Trust Fund. You can help continue the efforts to protect our children from abuse and neglect by donating to the SCTF.



Visit State Children's Trust Fund for more information.


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Article Details
Views: 3453 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Dec 07, 2021
Posted in: States, California
