Epilog Knowledge Base - Support Center
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Support Center > Knowledge base> Tagged: positioning
Tag: positioning
2 Articles
Orange arrow How can I preview the area where I am going to engrave?

  Creating a Quick Bounding Box for the Red Dot Pointer When we're running custom engraving jobs, there is nothing better than combining our features of Red Dot Pointer and Center-Center Engraving to quickly position the product. While at the MakerFaire in San Mateo we were providing custom engraving...
Orange arrow How can I use the Center-Center option in the print driver for easy positining of my engraving?

  Using the Center-Center Option in the Epilog Laser Dashboard When engraving a uniquely-shaped item, the Center-Center option within the Epilog Laser Dashboard can be an invaluable tool. The Center-Center option allows you to define the center of your artwork as the primary reference point (home pos...

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