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Support Center > Knowledge base> Article: PMISelectionListener error occurs when opening any assembly

PMISelectionListener error occurs when opening any assembly

Article ID: 75168 Print
When opening any assembly in Structure Manager, following error appears: BOMLine Error: internal error. com/ugs/plmvis/components/PMISelectionListener. The users are able to add, delete items in Structure Manager; however, for every click the same error appears.



Hardware/Software Configuration

Teamcenter 10.1.4


Check the version of embedded visualization, using [Help] – [About] in Teamcenter. The [More Information] dialog will mention the version. This error typically indicates that the embedded viewer installed is not compatible with RAC. They are probably not exactly the same version. Usually, the error can be ignored in the meantime. It is just a warning that some part is not available because of the incompatibility. The problem is resolved after patching the embedded visualization to the same level as Teamcenter.


IR#7392808, IR#7413442

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Article Details
Views: 3699 Created on: May 06, 2016
Date updated: May 06, 2016
Posted in: Teamcenter
Tagged: Teamcenter
