> Knowledge base> Article: How do I print a label from Adobe Illustrator to the LX800-810? (Mac Only)

How do I print a label from Adobe Illustrator to the LX800-810? (Mac Only)

Article ID: 44826 Print
How do I print a label from Adobe Illustrator to the LX800-810? (Mac Only)


How do I print a label from Adobe Illustrator to the LX800-810? (Mac Only)

Click here for PC Instructions.

These Instructions are for use specifically with Adobe Illustrator© CS.

1. Create your document using the File - New command.  Set your Width and Height to correspond with the label stock installed in the LX800-810.

2. Once your document is created and ready to print go to File - Print.  The following screen will appear.  Before doing anything else, click the Printer button to change the print quality settings for this print.  Click here for more information on Print Settings.

3. The printer settings screen defaults to Copies and Pages.  Click the drop down arrow to change the screen to Label Printer Settings.

4. Change your printer settings to the desired quality.

5. Click Print to return to the print preview screen.  Now click Page Setup to change the label size set in the printer driver.  Important! You must click Page Setup AFTER you change printer settings (Step 2 & 3).  You must do this every time you print.

6. The paper/label size defaults to 4x6 or whatever was last used.

7. Click on the drop down arrow to select a predefined label size or create a custom size by clicking Manage Custom Sizes.  For this example there is no 5.5 x 4 label predefined so the following step will explain how to create a custom size.

8. To create a custom size click the + below the list of custom sizes already created.  Change the page size to correspond with the stock installed in the printer.  Set the Printer Margins to Color Label Printer or modify them accordingly.  Click OK.

9. If you have created a custom size you will need to choose it again here by clicking the drop down arrow and choosing the custom size.  Click OK.

10. You are now ready to print your label.  Make sure the number of copies is set.  Also, check the orientation.  The label shown on the preview screen is how your label will print.  Make sure there is no white space around the label.  If there is white space you may have to change the orientation.  Click Print to print your label.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must set the Printer and Page Setup by clicking on these buttons each time you print.  You must perform these steps each time you print even if what you see on the preview screen appears correct.

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Article Details
Views: 6406 Created on: May 24, 2014
Date updated: Aug 01, 2016
Posted in: LX800-LX810
