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Virginia Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

Article ID: 60147 Print
Virginia Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit


Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

Individuals, estates, partnerships, trusts or corporations incurring eligible expenses in the rehabilitation of a certified historic structure are entitled to claim a credit against individual income tax, fiduciary income tax, corporation income tax, the bank franchise tax, and taxes imposed against insurance companies and utility companies. The credit is equal to 25% of eligible rehabilitation expenses. To qualify for this credit, the cost of the rehabilitation must equal at least 50% (25% if the building is an owner-occupied residence) of the assessed value of the building for local real estate tax purposes in the year preceding the start of the rehabilitation. For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2017, the amount of the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit that may be claimed by each taxpayer, including carryover amounts, may not exceed $5 million for any taxable year. The rehabilitation work must be certified by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources as consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. The request for certification of the completed project must be submitted within 1 year of the completed work. Any unused credit may be carried forward for 10 years. Applications for participation in the program may be obtained by contacting the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, 2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221, 804.482.6446, or visiting www. dhr.virginia.gov/tax-credits/.

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Article Details
Views: 3058 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Dec 17, 2021
Posted in: States, Virginia
