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Alabama Consumer Use Tax

Article ID: 60024 Print
Alabama Consumer Use Tax


Review the purchases you made during the tax year. If you purchased items for use in Alabama from out-of-state sellers who did not charge sales or use tax, you owe consumers use tax on the items. If you made no purchases from out-of-state sellers, enter 0 (zero) on line 19 and check the box.

Use tax is the counterpart of the sales tax. State use tax is imposed at the same rate and on the same type of transactions as sales tax and is due from the consumer when the sales tax is not collected. When you purchase merchandise from a retail store or other business establishment in Alabama, the seller is required to collect sales tax on the purchase. When you purchase merchandise from a business located outside of Alabama the seller might collect use tax on the purchase. However, not all out-of-state businesses are registered and required to collect Alabama tax. As the consumer, you are responsible for ensuring that sales or use tax is paid on your purchases. When you purchase merchandise for storage, use or consumption in Alabama and the retail seller does not collect tax on the purchase, you must report and pay consumer use tax on the purchase price. Usually, these purchases are made from catalogs, over the internet, or by telephone and include items such as:

Computer Software
Magazine Subscriptions
Sporting Goods
Electronic Equipment
CDs, DVDs, Audio & Video Cassettes
Photographic Equipment
Musical Equipment
Automotive Accessories and Parts
Lawn and garden equipment

Applicable State Use Tax Rates

The general use tax rate of 4% applies to all purchases of merchandise, except where a different rate of tax is expressly provided.

The automotive use tax rate of 2% applies to purchases of automotive vehicles. Where any used vehicle is traded-in on the purchase of a new or used vehicle, the tax is due on the trade difference, that is, the price of the new or used vehicle purchased less the credit for the used vehicle taken in trade. The county licensing official will collect the tax due on purchases of automotive vehicles that are required to be titled or registered including purchases of automobiles, trucks, trailers, mobile homes, and motor boats. Do not include purchases of vehicles that are titled or registered in the calculation on the worksheet on page 9. You must report and pay the use tax due on other purchases of automotive vehicles including ATVs, off-road motorcycles, riding lawnmowers, self-propelled construction equipment, and other self-propelled instruments of conveyance.

The agriculture use tax rate of 1-1/2% applies to purchases of machinery or equipment used in connection with the production of agricultural products, livestock, or poultry on farms and the replacement parts for such machinery or equipment. Where any used farm machinery or equipment is traded-in on the purchase of new or used farm machinery or equipment, the tax is due on the trade difference, that is, the price of the new or used machinery or equipment less the credit for the used machinery or equipment taken in trade.

Local Use Tax: City and County use tax may also be due and should be reported and paid to the appropriate local tax authority. For information about reporting local use tax please see the department’s web page at http://www.revenue.alabama.gov/salestax/cutax.html.

You can use either the Alabama Use Tax Table on page 11 or the worksheet on page 9 of the Alabama Form 40 instruction booklet if you only have Internet or catalog purchases that do not include automotive vehicles, farm machinery, or farm machinery replacement parts; otherwise use the worksheet on page 9 to compute Alabama Use Tax. For more information regarding consumers use tax call (334) 242-1490.


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Article Details
Views: 2830 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Jan 05, 2022
Posted in: States, Alabama
