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Georgia Disabled/Retrofit Credit

Article ID: 59998 Print
Do I qualify for the Georgia disabled/retrofit credit?


Disabled Person Home Purchase or Retrofit Credit 

Tax Credit 201

O.C.G.A. § 48-7-29.1 provides a disabled person credit equal to the lesser of $500 per residence or the taxpayer’s income tax liability for the purchase of a new single-family home that contains all of the accessibility features listed below. It also provides a credit equal to the lesser of the cost or $125 to retrofit an existing single-family home with one or more of these features. The disabled person must be the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s spouse if a joint return is filed.

Qualified features are:

-One no-step entrance allowing access into the residence.

-Interior passage doors providing at least a 32-inch-wide opening.

-Reinforcements in bathroom walls allowing installation of grab bars around the toilet, tub, and shower, where such facilities are provided.

-Light switches and outlets placed in accessible locations.


To qualify for this credit, the disabled person must be permanently disabled and have been issued a permanent parking permit by the Department of Revenue or have been issued a special permanent parking permit by the Department of Revenue. This credit can be carried forward 3 years. For more information, see Regulation 560-7-8-.44.

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Article Details
Views: 3366 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Dec 22, 2021
Posted in: States, Georgia
