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West Virginia Additions

Article ID: 59994 Print
West Virginia Additions


INTEREST OR DIVIDEND INCOME ON FEDERAL OBLIGATIONS. Enter amount of any interest or dividend income (received by or credited to you during the taxable year) on bonds or securities of any United States authority, commission or instrumentality which the laws of the United States exempt from federal income tax but not from state income tax.

INTEREST OR DIVIDEND ON STATE OR LOCAL BONDS (OTHER THAN WEST VIRGINIA). Enter the amount of any interest or dividend income on state and local bonds (other than West Virginia and its political subdivisions) received by or credited to you.

INTEREST ON MONEY BORROWED TO PURCHASE BONDS EARNING EXEMPT WEST VIRGINIA INCOME. Enter the amount of any interest deducted, as a business expense or otherwise, from your federal adjusted gross income in connection with money borrowed to purchase or carry bonds or securities, the income from which is exempt from West Virginia income tax.

LUMP SUM PENSION DISTRIBUTIONS. Enter the amount of any qualifying 402(e) lump sum distributions not included in your federal adjusted gross income that was separately reported and taxed on federal Form 4972.

OTHER INCOME EXCLUDED FROM FEDERAL ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME BUT SUBJECT TO STATE TAX. West Virginia income tax is based on federal adjusted gross income. However, certain income must be added back. For example; income deducted under Section 199 of the Internal Revenue Code. Enclose Schedule K-1(s).

WITHDRAWALS FROM A PREPAID TUITION/SAVINGS PLAN NOT USED FOR PAYMENT OF QUALIFYING EXPENSES.  Enter the basis amount in a withdrawal from a West Virginia Prepaid Tuition/ SMART529TM Savings Plan which was spent for OTHER than qualifying expenses, if a deduction was previously taken.






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Article Details
Views: 2346 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Jan 07, 2022
Posted in: States, West Virginia
