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How Do I Know if I Have a Short Term or Long Term Transaction?

Article ID: 59807 Print
How Do I Know if I Have a Short Term or Long Term Transaction?


Separate your capital gains and losses according to how long you held or owned the property. The holding period for short-term capital gains and losses is 1 year or less. The holding period for long-term capital gains and losses is more than 1 year. To figure the holding period, begin counting on the day after you received the property and include the day you disposed of it.

If you disposed of property that you acquired by inheritance, report the disposition as a long-term gain or loss, regardless of how long you held the property. A non-business bad debt must be treated as a short-term capital loss. See Pub. 550 for what qualifies as a non-business bad debt and how to enter it on Schedule D. Please note that our software will classify your capital gain or loss as short or long term for you based on the dates entered.

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Article Details
Views: 4290 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Nov 11, 2021
