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How do I file a Louisiana extension?

Article ID: 59544 Print
How do I file a Louisiana extension?



The Secretary of LDR may grant an extension of time for filing returns not to exceed six months from the date the Louisiana income tax return is due. Extensions must be filed before the due date of the return. The four options for requesting an extension are as follows: 

1. Filing an extension request electronically via LDR's website at revenue.louisiana.gov/fileonline or revenue.louisiana.gov/extensions.

2. Filing an extension request electronically via LDR’s IVR phone system by calling 225-922-3270 or 888-829-3071. For an extension request, select option #3, then select option #1. Taxpayers will need the social security number of the primary account holder to request the extension; 

3. Submitting a state extension to LDR by “checking the state extension box” included in the tax preparation software for an electronically-filed return; or

4. Submitting Form R-2867, Transmittal of Federal Extension, along with a copy of your federal paper extension or a copy of the receipt for an electronic filed federal extension.

By requesting an extension, you are only requesting additional time to file your tax return. An extension does not extend the time to pay the tax. Payments received after the due date will be charged interest and penalties

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Article Details
Views: 2947 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Jan 05, 2022
Posted in: States, Louisiana
