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How do I file an amended return for Maryland?

Article ID: 59529 Print
How do I file an amended return for Maryland?


You must file an amended return to make certain changes to your original return. These include changes in income, filing status, amount of deductions, the number of exemptions, and the amount of additions to income and subtractions from income.

Note: Changes made as part of an amended return are subject to audit for up to three years from the date the amended return is filed.

Use Form 502X to file an amended return and include a copyof your federal return. Form 502X and instructions may be obtained by visiting www.marylandtaxes.com or by calling 410-260-7951.


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Article Details
Views: 3242 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Jan 06, 2022
Posted in: States, Maryland
