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How can I contact the state of Wisconsin and find out where to I need to mail my taxes?

Article ID: 59203 Print
How can I contact the state of Wisconsin and find out where to I need to mail my taxes?


Where to File - Mail your return to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue at:

If tax is due: PO Box 268, Madison, WI 537900-0001

If refund or no tax due: PO Box 59, Madison, WI 53785-0001

If homestead credit claimed: PO Box 34, Madison, WI 53786-0001

Contact via email: income@revenue.wi.gov

For specific questions about your account, please call:
(608) 266-2486 Individuals
(608) 266-2776 Businesses


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Article Details
Views: 2873 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Dec 16, 2021
Posted in: States, Wisconsin
