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Iowa Underpayment of Estimated Tax

Article ID: 59057 Print
How much is the Iowa underpayment of estimated tax penalty?


If you are an individual taxpayer, other than a qualifying farmer or fisher, you may use this form to determine whether your income tax was sufficiently paid throughout the year by withholding or estimated payments. If payments were not sufficient, you may owe a penalty. 

Estimated payments are credited to only one individual. Each individual required to make estimated payments must file an estimated payment under his/her name and Social Security Number. The IA 2210 penalty must also be calculated separately by each individual for filing status 3 (married filing separately on a combined return) and filing status 4 (married filing separate returns).

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Article Details
Views: 2578 Created on: Jun 15, 2013
Date updated: Jan 07, 2022
Posted in: States, Iowa
